Consent types
The following consents can be applied for online:
- Householder planning consent1
- Full planning consent 2
- Outline planning consent3
- Planning permission for relevant demolition in a conservation area4
- Reserved Matters5
- Listed building consent 6
- Non-material amendment of an existing planning permission7
- Advertisement consent8
- Lawful Development Certificate (LDC)9
- Prior notification 10
- Removal/variation of conditions11
- Approval of conditions12
- Works to trees13
- Hedgerow removal notice14
Consent types not available through the online system
Our online system does not support 'hybrid' applications, view further information about hybrid applications below.
Further details about Hybrid applications
Please note: You cannot currently make hybrid applications through our online system.
A local planning authority may accept a 'hybrid' application; that is, one that seeks outline planning permission for one part and full planning permission for another part of the same site.
The fee for each part would have to be calculated separately on the appropriate basis, subject to any relevant maximum, and the total - which would not be subject to any maximum - would then be chargeable.
An authority may also, following discussion, allow an application to be separated into core elements so that permission for site preparation works, say, can be given priority.
Whether to accept a proposal in hybrid form is at the discretion of the local planning authority, not something on which an applicant may insist. One should bear in mind that a local planning authority is empowered to require details even when the application is in outline, if necessary in the interest of good planning. The term ‘hybrid application’ is not defined in statute.
It is recommended that you discuss your hybrid proposal with the relevant local planning authority prior to submitting an application. This will minimise the risk of the local planning authority refusing to register the hybrid application.
Source: Town and Country Planning (Applications) Regulations 1988 (SI 1988/1812)15.
Note: The power to request additional information is provided by Schedule 3, Para 1(b) of the Town and Country Planning (Applications) Regulations 1988 (SI 1988/1812)16.