Appeal procedures
Written representations
Most planning appeals are decided by the written representations procedure.
With this procedure the planning inspector will consider written evidence from the appellant, the local planning authority (LPA) and anyone else who has an interest in the appeal.
The written evidence usually takes the form of a statement of case by the main parties (the appellant and the LPA), and there is also the opportunity to comment on each other’s statements.
Third parties can also submit additional representations, although any original comments made in respect of the planning application will already have been forwarded onto the planning inspector.
There are strict timeframes for when the various written submissions must be submitted, and these will be set out in a letter from the Planning Inspectorate when the appeal is validated.
You should also note that in the case of householder appeals there is a slightly different process, and that there are no opportunities to submit further information once you have submitted the original appeal form.
The planning inspector will consider all the written evidence that is made available and will also visit the site, usually accompanied by the main parties. However, no verbal submissions are permitted at any time - even on the site visit.
The decision time for appeals can vary. You can check recent average response times here.1