Consent types
The following planning consents can be applied for online:
- Householder planning consent
- Full planning consent
- Outline planning consent
- Reserved Matters
- Listed building consent
- Advertisement consent
- Lawful Development Certificate (LDC)
- Prior Approval
- Removal/variation of conditions
- Approval (Discharge) of conditions
- Consent under Tree Preservation Orders
- Non-material amendment of an existing planning permission
Consent types not available through the online system
Our online system does not currently support 'hybrid' applications, view further information about hybrid applications below.
The following consent types are currently not available on the online system. You can download the relevant forms and associated documents here.
- Application for Permission in Principle
- Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Works to a listed building
- Planning application for development relating to the onshore extraction of oil and gas
- Application for Prior Approval of a proposed: Temporary recreational campsite in Flood Zone 2 or Flood Zone 3
Application types not currently available on the Planning Portal
If you wish to apply for the following, please contact your local planning authority or check their website for details.
Find your local planning authority (
Find your local planning authority- Application for modification of conditions relating to construction working hours
- Application for additional environmental approval to extend the duration of a planning permission
- Planning permission for mineral extraction or associated development
- Modification or discharge of a Section 106 planning obligation
- Prior approval applications for: Toll road facilities (Part 9 - Class D1); Mining and mineral exploration (Part 17 – Class B, C, D, F, G2); Miscellaneous development (Part 18 - Class A3)
- Applications for Certificates of Appropriate Alternative Development
Further details about Hybrid applications
Please note: You cannot currently make hybrid applications through our online system.
A local planning authority may accept a 'hybrid' application; that is, one that seeks outline planning permission for one part and full planning permission for another part of the same site.
The fee for each part would have to be calculated separately on the appropriate basis, subject to any relevant maximum, and the total (which would not be subject to any maximum) would then be chargeable.
Following a discussion an authority may also allow an application to be separated into core elements, so that permission for separate elements can be given priority, for example site preparation works.
Whether to accept a proposal in hybrid form is at the discretion of the local planning authority, not something on which an applicant may insist. Please note, in the interest of good planning a local planning authority is empowered to require details even when the application is in outline. The term ‘hybrid application’ is not defined in statute.
It is recommended that you discuss your hybrid proposal with the relevant local planning authority prior to submitting an application. This will minimise the risk of the local planning authority refusing to register the hybrid application.
Note: The power to request additional information is provided by Article 5 of The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 20154.